Lectures | 31 |
Language | English |
Requirements | There are no prerequisites for this course |
Spiritual Healer |
Ever thought you could make yourself feel better just using your emotions & the power of your mind, as opposed to taking tablets or medicine? Wondered how you could put this into practice effectively to achieve amazing results? Enter 4th dimensional healing!
In this is great primer class, you will discover how to: Identify which four types of intuition is your particular strength, learn the art of muscle-testing (kinesiology) as a way to check your intuition, tap into your self-guidance, follow along with 5 different energy healing techniques, set individual healthy energy boundaries; and Understand the importance of the various Spiritual Healing Teams & what this can bring to your life.
4th-dimensional healing is all about understanding the human race as complex energy beings. In truth, the information in everyone’s energy bodies manifest physically, not the other way around. Intuition is the bridge into this etheric world. As you tap into this extended version of yourself, you can heal core issues that have created mental, emotional and physical dis-ease.