
Dan Johnston's Profile

Full-time writer, business trainer, and coach

About Dan Johnston

I'm Dan Johnston. I'm a full-time writer, business trainer, and coach.

“That is seriously your life? You are literally living my dream. That’s insane. How can I do it?”

I’ve grown to expect hearing this every time I tell someone about my fairy-tale of a life. But trust me, it wasn’t always this way.

In 2010 I owned my own business and I worked like a dog with the dream of one day “making it”. I sacrificed friendships, health, family and travel opportunities all because I had to work harder for “just a little while longer.”

I just needed to “make it” and then I could I finally start enjoying life.

That was until my business imploded and left me completely, and I mean completely, broke.

At this point I could have taken a job, but it just didn't feel right. I had spent so much time trying to live my dreams, was now the time to quit?

So I decided to take one more risk, and in 2011 I started as a freelance writer.

The journey wasn't easy, but it sure paid off.

Using the same strategies I teach in my courses, I was able to generate a full time income writing within my first few months.

Then in early 2012 I decided to take another risk and see if I could continue freelance writing while travelling the world.

And it worked. It worked really, really, well.

Since 2012 I’ve lived in 7 places including Costa Rica, Manhattan, Barcelona, Italy, Germany and Prague. Each year I try to visit at least 6 new countries.

I’ve also crossed countless items from my bucket list including driving a Lamborghini on my birthday, learning Spanish, and driving a Hank Moody inspired Porsche 911 up Highway 101 in California.

When I was starting out and things got hard I had plenty of opportunities to raise the white flag and turn my back on the life I really wanted.

I’m sure you’ll have the same opportunities. Ignore them.

Don’t ever, ever think going for it, going after what you really want, will be easy.

But it will always, always be worth it.

And I'm here to help in any way I can.