As an author, I have created a range of business and healing manuals for professional aromatherapists. Some are salea and marketing related leveraging the experience I gained in recruitment- one of the most aggressive marketplaces on the planet. Others pull together ancient wisdom with the most cutting research coming out of allopathic labs today. In short, The Secret Healer books bring aromatherapy onto a cold hard clinical footing and equips it with strong comprehensive business skills. Ranked in the top 50 ghostwriters in their pool of just under a quarter of a million writers, I am one of the most successful solo providers at Freelance Ghostwriter for Complimentary Medicine: Writer of 7 number 1 Amazon books in the natural healing genre: Copywriting Scripts Ebooks Technical writing Research papers Publishing SEO Keyword research
The culmination of over 20 years experience of treating conditions with essential oils, this website ( describes how to use complementary medicine to improve health and alleviate conditions that can make life so miserable!