
Gaynor Quilter's Profile

Co-founder of Mindfulness CIC

About Gaynor Quilter

Gaynor Quilter, co-founder of Mindfulness CIC has worked in charities for over 30 years, principally with young people including homeless, parenting and mental health. She was CEO of Alone in London and Apex Works. Gaynor's interests lie in the alignment between values, culture and behaviours.

Gaynor has been practising mindfulness for over 10 years. She came to the practice after the death of her Mum and found that mindfulness allowed her to stay in her body rather then her head. She found it the most helpful way of experiencing pain and loss. She also uses focusing as a creative process to help her understand her emotional life. Gaynor has a degree from Bradford University and attended mindfulness teacher training at Bangor University.