
Hari Kalymnios's Profile

The Thought Gym

About Hari Kalymnios

Hari is the founder of TheThoughtGym and he believes that if you "train the mind, the rest will follow", which is the subject of his first book. But more than that, who is Hari?

Hari is just a regular guy. He's been where you are most probably now. Trying to hold down a job, relationship, family, friends - all the while managing all the extra challenges that come from modern living. But perhaps not really have the abundance of energy that's needed for really thriving.

Hari knew that to do all he wanted to do, he would need more energy. Whether that was to sleep less, get up earlier, have more focus, be more energised in the day or even get ill less often (if at all) and do all this while having a smile on his face and being more productive than ever.

Hari's desire to fix this led him down a path studying the mind (becoming an NLP Master Practitioner), nutrition (studying countless books and articles, enrolling on courses and making himself the guinea pig) and spirituality (encompassing yoga, meditation and beyond) to complement what he already knew about the body from over 25 years of exercise practise.

This journey of learning started over 8 years ago and saw Hari research and learn from a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, neuro linguistic programming and hypnotherapy, to philosophy, spirituality and personal development and on to nutrition, exercise, business and even quantum physics! In addition, studying the biographies and autobiographies of great leaders.