
Sam Biddle's Profile

Independent Business Owner: Sam Biddle Be Inspired

About Sam Biddle

Starting out within the nail industry 16 years ago I was drawn to this profession because of the nail art, since then I have owned my own salon, nail academy, entered and won competitions and now judge nationally and internationally for various competitions. My experience within the nail industry has provided nail professionals with inspiration and innovation worldwide. I have held seminars, workshops and present for my own and other brands in over 30 different countries. Providing online and face to face education I have a unique style to teaching and can help nail techs realise their own creative potential. Having 8 front covers and over 100 (to date) films and video tutorials, I enjoy the art of media and combining this with education. I write for various magazines nationally and internationally and contribute with tutorials and inspirational content, along with a monthly column for a well known nail magazine Scratch. Winning industry innovator, being nominated for services to the nail industry and nail professional of the year three years in a row I have been able to establish a reputation for bringing something new, fun and fresh to today's industry which inspires techs globally to be creative.