
Steve Phillips's Profile

Life Coach

About Steve Phillips

Steve has had many years of experience from being an international rugby player, to gaining a BMSc in metaphysical science, then a diploma in naturopathic nutrition and of course spending over 2 years as a monk, he has a well rounded experience in this field to share with you!

There’s this little-known thing called self-mastery. Hardly anyone is talking about it. But when you learn the simple process and use it, you will be gain peace, balance and harmony in every area of your life.”

“Everyone’s talking about meditation and mindfulness, right? We all know that in modern day life we have more stress and less time. But what almost no one understands about meditation and mindfulness is self-mastery. Self-mastery focuses on the body, mind, and spirit as a whole, working on one without the other is simple going to leave you out of balance